Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for November 15, 1998
TV...and on this date in let's see here... CELEBRITY INTERVIEW! with your host Biff Biffwell! BIFF: Hi again, friends! Biff Biffwell here with our special guest: November 15th!! 15: Salutations, Biff. BIFF: So, 15th, I understand you're not a happy camper. 15: That's correct, Biff. Nobody appreciates me! People always take notice of other days in November: Election day! Veterans Day! And of course that arrogant glory hound, Thanksgiving! But do people pay any attention to me? No! They say, "Oh, November 15th is just another day!" BIFF: But aren't you just another day? 15: The point is I could be so much more! I just need something to happen! BIFF: Like what? 15: Anything! Anything important! Then people would start to recognize November 15th as a special day! DAD: November 15th: Scrub toilets. NATE: Great.
kimby the koala over 12 years ago
i am born on the sixtenth of november why couldnt this have been tommorows strip
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
Well, today is Proclamação da República for Brazilians
FavoriteBlueLego over 9 years ago
The first modern revival of the Olympics took place in Athens.
timmytohns over 9 years ago
This is my sister’s birthday.
DM9001 about 9 years ago
15 just hit a new low.
YouSless Premium Member over 1 year ago
Todays my birthday!
Random Kid from Big Nate 10 months ago
that’s my birthday