Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for January 31, 1999
Nate: Mr. Rosa! Can we eat lunch in here? Mr. Rosa : Sure, Guys! Mr. Rosa: It's nice to be the sort of teacher kids feel comfortable with... Mr. Rosa: There aren't many classrooms they actually want to hang out in! (Mr. Rosa thinking in his head) Mr. Rosa: Of course, not many teachers are as well liked by the students as I am!... Then again, you've got to be careful they don't like you too much! (The boys are talking loud) Mr. Rosa: You can't let students forget who's boss!.. l'll just give them a firm reminder... "AHEM"! Boys, quiet down or I'll have to ask you to leave. Nate & Teddy : Laughing at what Mr. Rosa told them in his face. Mr. Rosa: Before it's too late. Teddy: Hee hee! Oh, Man! Nate: Good one, Ken! Can i call you Ken?
animation ruler over 12 years ago
Teddy’s white in the first panel.
Johnnython about 12 years ago
in panel two, teddy has the same skin color as nate
sg12345 about 12 years ago
Hey, Teddy is white in panel 2!
peanuts511 almost 11 years ago
it’s not racist, it’s just that there’s a change in the appearance of teddy and they’re pointing it out!
meepies over 10 years ago
Actually, peanuts511 is right. It’s not racist at all.
Ax9000 over 10 years ago
Do u even know the definition of racist?
ChristmasBoneCatalog over 10 years ago
Teddy’s skin and shirt is different colour.
gamervirus88 over 7 years ago
teddy is a white boi in the 2nd panel
AnnabethChase18 over 7 years ago
BigNate4Life over 7 years ago
How come teddy was white in the first panel and one of the tables say
KansasChaser12 about 7 years ago
Can’t leave before it’s too late
Clarence over 6 years ago
In the Wikipedia Mr Rosas name is Ken Rosa so how did Nate knows Mr Rosas name?
I hate spiders over 4 years ago
teddy goes from white to black and his shirt is green instead of red.
AliAdhami almost 4 years ago
What’s the joke in the very first panel? (the non-colored one)
Hinokami tho almost 4 years ago
TEDDY is whit in the first panel and has a green shirt
Grandmaster3(RIP Juice) over 3 years ago
Panel one: Teddy lookin like Russel Westbrook
Aksel_1 almost 2 years ago
why is Teddy white?
sus woof about 1 year ago