Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for July 11, 1999
Derek: Another match? Nate: No. Let's play the "Scribble game". I need to think about something besides chess! Derek: What's the "scribble game"? Nate: I close my eyes and make a quick scribble, see... Nate: Then you to turn it into something! Derek: That's easy! It's a chess board! Nate: Okay, then... Try this one! Derek: This one's obvious! It's a knight capturing a rook! Nate: All right, Derek... Get a load of this one! Derek: Looks like a duck playing chess! Nate: no! NO! It's not a duck playing chess! Not everything is about chess! Nate: you! Kid! Does this scribble look like a duck playing chess? Kid: A duck playing chess? No... Kid: It's a monkey playing chess! Derek: Ooooh! You're right! Nate: They're scaring me.
animation ruler over 12 years ago
I think this may be the first strip to mention the scribble game.
big nate yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy over 12 years ago
Theyre too obsessed with chess…………
Johnnython about 12 years ago
slowly back away…
SuperDavid over 11 years ago
I kinda like checkers better
Destinedforgreatness1811 almost 11 years ago
I think the 2nd one looks like a cat with a thick tail
reshiram501 over 10 years ago
thats just sad
Quincy_Knows_Best over 6 years ago
The second guy looks like older peter
es84715 over 3 years ago
he looks like peter older brother
Lady Kitten almost 3 years ago
Slowly backing away The second one was a cat. . . the 3rd one was a cat playing checkers. . . The 1st one was a Virgo horoscope sign. . .
big nate follower 12 months ago
its only chess?always has been.
STUFF ENJOYER 12 months ago
At chess camp, everything is about chess.