What's the name of our new mascot again? Mopey Well, I find Mopey to be less than motivational
By the look of the team, the mascot should be dopey, not mopey.
Rats. I think he’s totally in character. Maybe if someone said “cheese” he might smile.
I don’t get it. It’s just the Ole Miss mascot again.
Day by Dave
Dave Whamond
April 10, 2015
May 31, 2017
pouncingtiger over 13 years ago
By the look of the team, the mascot should be dopey, not mopey.
Aussie Down Under over 13 years ago
Rats. I think he’s totally in character. Maybe if someone said “cheese” he might smile.
JoelJ over 13 years ago
I don’t get it. It’s just the Ole Miss mascot again.