Frazz by Jef Mallett for January 02, 2011
Caulfield says, "This year, I'm going to stay ahead by looking ahead." Caulfield says, "I'm going to concentrate on what's in front of me and do it." Caulfield says, "Sure, there will be failures." Caulfield says, "When I do fail, I'll leave it behind... eyes focus forward." Caulfield says, "Never! Look! Back!" Caulfield says, "Anyway, that's my plan for 2010." Frazz says, "Um... it's 2011." Caulfield says, "It is?" Caulfield says, "Well. That's that, then." Frazz says, "Can you make a plan for me?"
hazel power over 7 years ago
this one is great
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
Running in snowshoes is so hard, I don’t know why Frazz even bothers