Remember the poor beleaguered 1% shall be known NOT as wealthy, rich, or gluttonous but as " THE JOB CREATORS" ignore all stats that point to small independent business people as the largest creator of jobs in the US… and so it shall be.
@wisconsinbooklady In your “trickle-down” dream world!
Try for Heaven.
Cathy Guisewite
Donna A. Lewis
wisconsinbooklady about 13 years ago
Remember the poor beleaguered 1% shall be known NOT as wealthy, rich, or gluttonous but as " THE JOB CREATORS" ignore all stats that point to small independent business people as the largest creator of jobs in the US… and so it shall be.
gardenguy48tom about 13 years ago
@wisconsinbooklady In your “trickle-down” dream world!
Iwa Iniki about 13 years ago
Try for Heaven.