FoxTrot en Español by Bill Amend for November 21, 2011

  1. Phpppb2xt c1pm
    SWEETBILL  over 13 years ago

    REX- YEP- the “E” pill, works everytime as it’s supose to do.. When she passes out ,she won’t remember nothing the next day, from the day before.

    2-1/2G- back to 3G- yea! Ruby is such an angel, she’ll find out the wedding’s off- bye bye Paulie, and Ruby will help LuAnnmake the right decision.

    MW- Don’t take all the credit MARY!- Toby has been your guardian angel since day one! on your misfortune

    JP- Me thinks Derek will blow off Honey and be back to Sophiein a flash.

    (maybe he’ll even get invited to Thanksgiving dinner) :-)

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  2. Th
    marvee  over 13 years ago

    A3G – Actual progress, not a recap. LuAnn’s crying about the argument with her sister. She may not realize yet that the wedding is a mistake.Rex – Spider’s probably waiting upstairs.JP – Sophie realizes that she acted like a pouty child.Mark Trail – Kelly may be conniving but sh’e being smart, too.Phantom – How can Ernesto pull the cord when he’s almost passed out? Can Phantom take him piggy-back?

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  3. Florchi 2
    florchi  over 13 years ago

    REX MORGAN: I hope Tanya doesn’t leave Kelly alone.MARY WORTH: Is this the end-of-the-story cup of coffee (or tea)?JUDGE PARKER: IMHO, most guys want to be sweet-talked and manipulated, not confronted. Maybe that’s what Honey is good at.MARK TRAIL: The bear isn’t wearing his muzzle (is Kelly sure it’s the same bear?)FUNKY W: Maybe the prez of the C of C can rally the townsfolk and raise the funds to continue the high school sports programs.MANDRAKE: It’s THEM!PHANTOM: Good question, marvee.

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  4. Rick
    davidf42  over 13 years ago

    Apartment 3-G – LuAnn is crying. I hope she is realizing the horrible mistake she is about to make.Judge Parker – Yeah, Sophie, I agree. You blew that one.Mandrake – I wonder if the riders are using blanks.Mark Trail – I’ve decided I don’t like this girl very much.Mary Worth – I hope that’s the end of the CrimeStoppers sequence. I’m ready for a new story.Phantom – If they bail out in the cloud cover, they should be able to get away.Rex Morgan – I agree. Kelly has been slipped a ‘date rape’ drug.Annie – Here’s the link to Today’s Annie .

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  5. Pesky
    Teh Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Rex Morgan – how far away is the “help”? have they packed up and are they pulling the boat the estimated one hour to the party?Mandrake – is Tex filming this? Phantom – Walker literally has his hands full.

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