Zack Hill by John Deering and John Newcombe for November 26, 2011

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    Gator007  over 13 years ago

    I agree

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    Tue Elung-Jensen  over 13 years ago

    Had a similar case here recently – not as severe, but similar non the less. A kindergarden didn´t go to the usual childrens event at church because the children with other religious upbringing might have parents that would get offended – and it would be too much work (from how I experienced it) to actually ask the parents first, or split the children into two groups. So instead they “supress” the majority of the children… We really live in a stupid world these days.

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    LingeeWhiz  over 13 years ago

    We are now a nation of robotmatons. Just go to the airport and have the experience.

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  4. Catinma
    BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 13 years ago

    good strip, too bad the lawyers and various liberal factions control everything we do and say.

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    Comic Minister Premium Member over 13 years ago

    But I think Zack’s school has gone too far with Zero tolerance. If Zack was to kiss Tanja at school he would be expelled.

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  6. Innocentavvy
    ladywyntre  over 13 years ago

    And while we’re at it, I don’t appreciate my employers’ policies, either, right? I should be allowed to wear whatever I want to work, and nobody should be able to do anything about it. And my employers should also not be able to censor anything I say at work. I should be able to hug anybody I want to at work, even if they don’t want to be hugged. And weapons—I should be allowed to bring a pocketknife to work, right? I mean, I only use it to open cans or letters; why can’t I have a weapon at work?

    Somebody needs to remind Carl (and the Johns) that you can say anything you bloody like in the privacy of your home. Nobody is trying to stop this. The goal is simply to create a civil and respectful atmosphere of learning at school. If you don’t like it, homeschool like all the other folks who disagree that a public school’s job is to make good citizens (as Aristotle put it more than 2500 years ago). Good citizens are not automatons, but they do know how to be respectful. They also understand that the rules are different in different places.

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    cynthia staples  over 13 years ago
    What a selective concept this “freedom” thing is! From “Dont Ask Dont Tell” to the right to have concealed weapons in Wisconsin.

    This strip has a point to make, but in its zealousness, it has made a very unfortunate choice. How did the word gay become a bully word? I hear 8 year olds on the street screaming “faggot” at each other… where did they learn this? Do they really know what they are saying? Does Zack? Will anyone ever explain it to him?….or are we just going to go on nodding and commiserating about losing our “freedom” of speech?

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  8. Innocentavvy
    ladywyntre  over 13 years ago

    Please give me a citation for children not being allowed to bring candy canes to school because they are weapons. I’m sorry, I call BS on that. This story ( includes this quote: “Principal Amy Etheridge-Conti says she can’t comment on the students’ discipline but did say there was a lot more to it than handing out candy and that the discipline was warranted.” Schools aren’t allowed to comment. And that is ONE school in which the report about candy cane weapons is dubious at best.

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