For Heaven's Sake by Mike Morgan for November 21, 2011

  1. Flagfeetani
    ninetoes  over 13 years ago

    Great, now some atheist is going to try and get it cancelled.

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    quinones.felix  over 13 years ago

    I don’t see why we need a national holiday to remind us to be thankful. If the holiday were to be true to the original time frame it would be celebrated in October, just like Christmas. Christmas should follow the dates of Yom Kippur.

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    jppjr  over 13 years ago

    The reason Thanksgiving isn’t a major holiday is because merchants haven’t found a way to commercialize it yet. No matter how bad off we are, there’s always going to be someone worse off…so give thanks for what you have,even if it isn’t much!!!

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    quinones.felix  over 13 years ago

    Yom Kippur is the season of atonement. You can credit Theodore Roosevelt for fixing the last Thursday in November as the Thanksgiving holiday, for the start of the Christmas season.

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    cmrocks  over 13 years ago

    For the non believers, I recommend reading or watching “The Case for Christ” by Lee Stroble…

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  6. Grim sm blue eyes
    Ooops! Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Happy Campers Are We!

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    bmonk  over 13 years ago

    I still give thanks—and prepare for a return when there will no longer be room for doubt or denial.

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  8. Grim sm blue eyes
    Ooops! Premium Member over 13 years ago

    Some peoples are capable of doubt and denial under any circumstances ;P

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