Unfortunately, Lila’s wrong – we can understand the universe in terms of the space-time continuum and the known physical laws. All but the first 10^-20 seconds.
@Rockngolfer: That’s because Annie is far too sophisticated to accept an unproven assertion. @wcorvi: Maybe the opening moments of the universe are exactly the depths to which Lila refers.
Best part of this strip today: Boyd’s expression in panel 4, where he clearly is wondering if his bestie has been replaced by an alien.
@ Blackwolff9: Readers of Sluggy Freelance know that the Dark Op Elves do not participate in the run-of-the -mill manufacture and distribution of the toys (aside from the intel they collect for Santa’s security).
rayannina about 13 years ago
Lila’s a lot smarter than … than she usually acts.
Ottodesu about 13 years ago
A fat Thumbs Up for today’s strip.
wcorvi about 13 years ago
Unfortunately, Lila’s wrong – we can understand the universe in terms of the space-time continuum and the known physical laws. All but the first 10^-20 seconds.
rockngolfer about 13 years ago
That is more complicated than “Yes Virginia, I mean Annie, there is a Santa Claus.”
ladywyntre about 13 years ago
@Rockngolfer: That’s because Annie is far too sophisticated to accept an unproven assertion. @wcorvi: Maybe the opening moments of the universe are exactly the depths to which Lila refers.
Best part of this strip today: Boyd’s expression in panel 4, where he clearly is wondering if his bestie has been replaced by an alien.
Tony Isabella Premium Member about 13 years ago
Outstanding strip. I actually did laugh out loud.
radconPU83 about 13 years ago
LOVE it!…I always suspected Santa/ Father Christmas was in cahoots with The Doctor!
radconPU83 about 13 years ago
@ Blackwolff9: Readers of Sluggy Freelance know that the Dark Op Elves do not participate in the run-of-the -mill manufacture and distribution of the toys (aside from the intel they collect for Santa’s security).
Zaristerex about 13 years ago
Knock me over with a feather… Lila is talking science!!!
LiviaBay about 13 years ago
Annie’s smarts are rubbing off on Lila big time for once….
Elderflower about 13 years ago
Bravo, Lila!! (and John and LA)
TheDOCTOR about 13 years ago
radconPU83 wrote: LOVE it!…I always suspected Santa/ Father Christmas was in cahoots with The Doctor!……..DANG! You caught me!