Glad to see that the Johns aren’t making sensitivity training into a silly and unrealistic caricature, like a session taught by a rigid, hypocritical liberal who secretly wants to take away everyone’s freedom. Oh, wait…
Again. Great strip. Someone could spend a whole series in another strip ripping a republican nominee, or making fun of fundamental Christians, and no one would bat an eyelash. But as soon as it makes fun of “Zero Tolerance Tolerance” stuff that Public Schools are pushing? Then everyone gets mad. Ridiculous. LOVE this strip!
Gator007 about 13 years ago
ladywyntre about 13 years ago
Glad to see that the Johns aren’t making sensitivity training into a silly and unrealistic caricature, like a session taught by a rigid, hypocritical liberal who secretly wants to take away everyone’s freedom. Oh, wait…
cynthia staples about 13 years ago
This strip continues to be mean spirited and unrealistic. What stupid junk!
cynthia staples about 13 years ago
Oh, that was so insensitive of me! The Johns are children of the universe too, of course.
I have been reading, and loving, comic strips for over forty years. I am just about done with this one.
timebear Premium Member about 13 years ago
Later everyone, this is officially my last read of this strip.
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
You are special until you piss me off!
LingeeWhiz about 13 years ago
Isn’t she teaching another religion here??? Not allowed!
Tue Elung-Jensen about 13 years ago
Apparently a limit to how “sensitive” the trainers are.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member about 13 years ago
Way to go, great series on the strip. About time someone exposed the PC silliness.
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
Don’t you there call him Shorty miss!!
Lamberger about 13 years ago
And we all know what “special” means….
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
??? hey, John & John. did you just lose 2 liberal or conservative readers?
RonBerg13 Premium Member about 13 years ago
Ah, yes – that’s the sensitivity training we all know and love!
CartoonyMan26 almost 13 years ago
Again. Great strip. Someone could spend a whole series in another strip ripping a republican nominee, or making fun of fundamental Christians, and no one would bat an eyelash. But as soon as it makes fun of “Zero Tolerance Tolerance” stuff that Public Schools are pushing? Then everyone gets mad. Ridiculous. LOVE this strip!