While I don’t really believe male and female dogs have the same feelings for each other that humans do. A neigbor owned a male German Shephard named “Trouble”. My mother own a female Golden Retreaver named “Brownie”. When ever my mother would take Brownie for a walk, Trouble would follow along and carry a great big rock in his mouth! Trouble seemed to be trying to impress Brownie by doing that!
hsawlrae about 13 years ago
My name Jose Hernandeeeez. I fly to the mooooon.
Kirokithikis about 13 years ago
if not an astronaut, how about a space cadet?
GROG Premium Member about 13 years ago
Well, certainly not Spaceman Spiff, anyway.
Number Three about 13 years ago
" Houston, we have a problem"
Dogs in Spaceeeeeeeeeeeeeee!LOL xxx
Dberrymanal1 about 13 years ago
While I don’t really believe male and female dogs have the same feelings for each other that humans do. A neigbor owned a male German Shephard named “Trouble”. My mother own a female Golden Retreaver named “Brownie”. When ever my mother would take Brownie for a walk, Trouble would follow along and carry a great big rock in his mouth! Trouble seemed to be trying to impress Brownie by doing that!