Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for December 05, 2011

  1. Sylvester1
    Nachikethass  about 13 years ago


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  2. Missing large
    stewartava  about 13 years ago

    and hurry before your only choice is to send it is Ups or Fed Ex. for a whole lot more coin. -your tax cuts at work.

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  3. One moses
    DrMoses  about 13 years ago

    You do need a stamp Zig. This one is on me.

    Balance is never easy for a Scorpio. You’re like a moth to a flame when it comes to amping up the drama in your life. By the time your half-birthday arrives in May, you’ll be under the extreme influence of six planets lining up in your work sector in the Cardinal sign of new beginnings: Aries. And yes, that could literally mean you’ll be working on at least six different projects simultaneously. Just watch that your health doesn’t suffer as a result. Double up on the supplements and be sure to get enough rest to see you through this exciting but demanding time.

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