The problem with “regulations” is that there is that pesky “oversight”. regulations are rules and oversight is policing those rules.
We all have seen what “self regulation” is – the fox guarding the henhouse. Rules without oversight are just a license to steal – and that is what happens to the middle class’s money.
Llewellenbruce about 13 years ago
Wiz oughta stimulate her with a big ZAP.
kbyrdleroy123 about 13 years ago
How much is there to buy in that kingdom?
hsawlrae about 13 years ago
If it hasen’t been made yet, she’ll buy it anyway.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
Wiz should put Blanche in the doghouse.
Hillbillyman about 13 years ago
A real wizard would not have an ugly wife; he would have one that looks like she just walked out of a playboy magazine.
waynl about 13 years ago
The local economy is about the only thing she can stimulate.
route66paul about 13 years ago
The problem with “regulations” is that there is that pesky “oversight”. regulations are rules and oversight is policing those rules.
We all have seen what “self regulation” is – the fox guarding the henhouse. Rules without oversight are just a license to steal – and that is what happens to the middle class’s money.
route66paul about 13 years ago
Blanche on all fours? ahhhhh! must find way to wash that memory!
Harryfan about 13 years ago
pouncingtiger: shouldn’t that be a “Dragon House”.