Brutus: I don't think you ever said where you went to school.
Wastrel: I was home-schooled.
Brutus: Oh, so your parents taught you?
Wastrel: Nope, I taught myself!
Brutus: Really? How did that work?
Wastrel: Just fine - I gave myself straight A's!
armyduude about 13 years ago
Sounds like the current problem in a lot of schools. High grades, but the kids aren’t learning a thing.
Slam Dragon about 13 years ago
I am ‘home schoooled’ but am actually going to a private school, and I have to say I am getting straight A’s. And it isn’t hard, all you have to do is read through the book and its a breeze.
jppjr about 13 years ago
Thank God I went to school when getting an education meant getting an education!!!
underwriter about 13 years ago
Generally speaking, self-made men illustrate the drawbacks of using unskilled labor.
TheSpanishInquisition about 13 years ago
As a student who’s being home-schooled for high-school and gets college-level test scores in English/Reading, I can safely say that I’ve had a great education. My parents do happen to be trained educators, which helps.