Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for January 15, 2000
Satchel sits with Rob at the table and asks, "Rob,did you make any new year's resolutions?" Rob answers, "Just one. I'm going to be more polite to peop-" Bucky cuts him off, saying "Yeah, ok. Anyway, I wrote down some things you could work on." Rob reads the paper that Bucky hands him. Rob says to Bucky, "Bucky...these aren't 'resolutions''s like...some bizarre list of 'cat demands." Bucky replies, "Rob, improving yourself starts with helping others." Pointing one finger at Bucky, Rob says "Listen here, you little hypocrite..." Satchel asks Rob as he reads the paper, "What's a 'tanning bed'...?"
WentBrown about 4 years ago
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Silly Bucky.