Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for June 10, 2000
Rob, looking at a letter, says, "That letter you've been waiting for finally came." Satchel says, "From the Dog Club? But they already rejected me..." Bucky says, "Oy. Two rejections. That's harsh." Rob says, "No, no. It's from the publisher Bucky sent his manuscript to..." Bucky exclaims, "Read it!" Rob reads, "'Dear Mr. Katt, I am not sorry to inform you that we are unable to use your work at this - or any - time. We will not keep your name on file. If you agree not to submit material in the future, we agree not to fax it to all our friends as a joke. I have read better prose on the back of a shampoo bottle. Sincerely, Michael Johnson, Editor.'" Satchel says, "Well... Atleast it's not a 'form' letter." Bucky says, "Leave me."
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
What did he write to though?
WentHulk 3 months ago