Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for July 28, 2000
Bucky, Rob and Satchel are sitting at the table, eating. Bucky says, "This food is terrible. Your cooking has to be some form of cruelty... I'm gonna tell someone important about this." Rob says, "Fine. Go tell someone 'important.' Go tell Boutros Boutros-Ghali for all I care." Satchel says, "Ha ha! Boutros!" Bucky says, "Don't mock me! I'm serious! I'm taking this to a real person!" Rob says, "Boutros Boutros-Ghali is one of the most important people in the world, Bucky." Satchel says, "And if he can't help you, you can always go the most important person in the world: Flibber Flabber Flinger Booboo!"
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
Oodilly doodly neighborino!