Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for November 06, 2000
Satchel is reaching into the recycle bin and says, "Bucky... You're supposed to put the Pow cans in the recycle bin! remember - when you don't recycle, you hurt nature." Bucky says, "Aaa, what do I care?" Rob says, "You oughta care about nature, Buck." Bucky says, "Pfff! 'Nature'... What has 'nature' ever done for me?" Startled, Satchel says, "What? Huu... Huh... Hih... Uhh..." Rob says, "Oh, Bucky... You're so tiny, yet you're such a massive nut job."
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
Nature created cats (or was it some sort of religious figure)