Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for February 26, 2001
Rob stands looking at a piece of paper. Bucky says, "Ahh. I see my list for exotic new food products has caught your eye." Rob replies, "Ewww...Bucky. Nobody would eat this stuff...'Rice and Bran'...'Frog Tarts'...'Mice-A-Roni'...These are vile." Bucky replies, "Well, keep in mind they'll be targeted to only the most sophisticated carnivores' palettes." Rob says, "'I can't believe it's not otter' is sophisticated?" Satch points at the list and says, "Mmm. 'Geese's Pieces'!"
Are2Dee2 almost 5 years ago
Way to go, Satch!
MichiganMitten over 3 years ago
“Palate” unless the carnivores are painting pictures or something.