Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 12, 2002
Judge Judy says: "Mr. Katt, you've failed to make any case against the defendant...You've ignored the court's questions...Do you have anything to say for yourself?" Bucky, behind the plaintiff podium, says: "I would like to state for the record that I believe you have been paid off by the ferret to-" Judge Judy exclaims: "I don't need to be paid off, Mr.Katt! You have no case and you've publicly threatened your witness!" Bucky points in Satchel's direction and says: "Rob doesn't know anything! Ask Satchel! I told him exactly what to-" Bucky says: "...I mean, he knows exactly what happened."
Hero Plays over 6 years ago
He’s basically throwing all his cards in a big incinerator at this point.
FrostbiteFalls about 2 years ago
This arc was such a great showcase for Bucky’s character. His total ignorance of court procedure (and refusal to admit it, like he consistently refuses to admit ignorance of anything) was classic.