Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 16, 2002
Judge Judy asks: "Are you telling jokes, Mr. Katt? This is a court room!" Bucky says: "Well, the trial-thingy seemed to be winding down, so I figured I would maximize my face time and highlight some of my other talents." Judge Judy asks: "Other talents? Mr. Katt, what--oh, now look at that! That's talent! Did you just draw that while standing there, Mr. Squiggly?" Fungo stands behind a picture he drew of Judge Judy in which she is surrounded by hearts. Bucky is dumbstruck.
magipants over 11 years ago
cheap shot!
Hero Plays over 6 years ago
Dat Face again
microcraft over 3 years ago
Fungo knows how to play the game