Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for October 01, 2006
"Quick - What is the largest problem facing the modern urban landscape?" "Why don't you just tell me what you think it is." "Two words: Chip...munks. Thus, I have developed a chipmunk neutralization machine I'm sure you'll find interesting." "Get to the point. You're confusing Satchel." "Hmm...I think I thought interesting meant something completely different..." "Meet the Nutbonker 2000. When a filthy chipmunk pulls the nut here, a big tool comes down and bonks him on the head, rendering it considerably less 'chipper.'" take u peenut "Dental floss taped to a peanut? It looks flimsy." "I assure you, the Nutbonker 2000 is a precision bonking instrument. That's Oral-B floss." "Whatever. Still looks flimsy." "Pull it, then! Go on, pull it! Here, I'll show you!" "I'll throw the peanut outside." "Whaddya know...It worked."
DM9001 over 4 years ago
I think a chipmunk would be more able to dodge that trap. Bucky’s got the reflexes of a snail.
WentHulk almost 2 years ago