Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for April 11, 2010
Bucky says, "Woof, where'd you get that shirt, the bootleg clothing school's factory seconds stores buy-one-get-50-free sale?" Rob says, "Do you have some kind of problem with my shirt?" Bucky says, "Only visually? why, what else is there? Does your shirt talk about my mother or something?" Rob says, "It's trendy." Bucky says, "Really? It's trendy to look like the guy who got fired as the village idiot at a renaissance fair due to hygiene issues?" Bucky says, "That shirt's got more holes than a goth chick's nose." Bucky says, "It's so trendy, you look like a martian trying to blend in with the crowd at a Bulgarian nightclub." Rob says, "Finished?" Bucky says, "Well... I'm not finished, but I'm bored."
benjnavarro28 about 2 years ago
I’m with Bucky here. That shirt is awful