Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for May 22, 2011
Rob says, "See you later. I have to go get a mole removed." Satchel says, "Uh-oh? how? And how long have you had it?" Rob says, "A few years. Don't worry, it's just a precaution. They're going to freeze it off." Satchel says, "Years? A friend of mine had to have that done the week he found it." Rob says, "I didn't realize dogs ever had to have that done." Satchel says, "Well, they do if they dig the mole's entire house up." Satchel says, "Mole was furious." Satchel says, "Anyway, like I told Shakespug, you're lucky it wasn't a beaver." Bucky says, "Hey-ho, boyos." Satchel says, "Rob's having a mole frozen off." Bucky says, "Bad idea. That just makes them madder." Bucky says, "You have to create a more desirable dirt-based environment next to the point of dental contact to coax them off."
clancy.david over 9 years ago
Finally, fresh comedy.
MichiganMitten about 2 years ago
A favorite. Mole confusion!