Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 20, 2000
Bucky is looking out the window at a dog in the trash. Bucky says, "Hey! That's our trash! Hey! I'm talkin' to you! Don't make me get our dog!" The dog says, "I happen to know that the dog who lives here is a sissy." Bucky says, "Well...I'd still make him go out there, through, and then you'd look like an idiot beating up a want that?" The dog leaves, saying, "Aaa.., forget it. Your trash isn't even good." Bucky says, "Yeah, didn't think so! And don't come back to you'll get more of the same."
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
That apple next to the trash is eaten yet moldy and disgusting