Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for March 04, 2001
"Get Fuzzy." "By Darby Conley." "That's not funny." "I have to say that I'm not thrilled about you trying to tell 'fortunes' with a deck of poker cards, no less." "Oh, those idiots on TV do it. And I KNOW they're more stupider than I are." "'Stupider' isn't a word, Buck." "Yes, it is... I just SAID it..." "Ok, let's see what the cards hold for Rob... hmm. 2 of clubs. That's good... it means you're, um, going to play golf... TWICE, I think." "Man, you're not even trying, this is just some silly 'FORTUNE HIGH CARD.'" "Does this mean I'm NOT going to be the queen of love?"
Querao (you can also call me quinn) almost 4 years ago
King of farts.