Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for December 05, 2003
"I guess I feel bad 'cause I hadn't seen my dad since I was a puppy and he didn't seem happy to see me." "Aw, he was happy to see you.. he just doesn't know how to show it." "He was a guide dog, you know? That's like being a Harvard doctor to a dog. I don't have any talents." "You can do a LOT, Satch! Some stuff even your Dad can't do!" "Like what?" "Well... you manage Bucky 24-7.. you stay his friend when no one else will.. remember that story your Mom told us about when your dad bit the neighbor cat and was sent to feline acceptance classes for a week?" "Yeah... ha ha. And that cat was NICE!"
Jake The Dog over 2 years ago
this is sad
WentHulk about 2 years ago
Copernicus needs help……
MichiganMitten about 1 year ago
“Feline acceptance classes”?