Over the Hedge by T Lewis and Michael Fry for December 21, 2011

  1. Rock house 03b
    RockHouse  about 13 years ago

    Well, if they decide to stop, Mother Goose and Grimm will pick up the slack.I wonder if either strip will finish with “Deck us All with Boston Charlie”?

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  2. Cat under bed sheets
    Captain Guy  about 13 years ago

    If you go out in the woods today,You’d better not go alone.It’s lovely out in the woods today,But safer to stay at home.

    I always found that song creepy…and panel 2 just gave me the visual!

    Panel 3 is just…………………….{shudder}

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    george  about 13 years ago

    I’ve not heard a Pogo reference in decades! I used to read it all the time growing up.

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    kathleenashbaugh  about 13 years ago

    Deck us all with Boston Charlie, Walla Walla, Wash. and Kalamazoo.Norah’s freezing on the trolley.

    (No sure about next line:) swaller dollar cauliflower alleygaroo

    Don’t we know archaic barrel?lullabye lillaboy Louisville Lou.Trolley Molly don’ t love Harold.

    Oh, please help me out here.

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    Twonky  about 13 years ago

    Not to mention ‘Dunk us all in Bowls of Barley’ There was also another variant. Does anyone remember that one?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago

    hang on Dave! olney 3 more days. You Can Do It!

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  7. Marvin the martian
    bubbareb  about 13 years ago

    Which is scarier, the comic strip or the fact that so many of you know the words to “Deck Us All With Botson Charlie”?

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    Twonky  about 13 years ago

    (light bulb over twonkys head) Just remembered the other one:‘Bark us all Bow Wows of Folly’ (I am a 70 yr old Pogo fan!!)

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  9. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 13 years ago

    Deck us all with Boston Charlie,Walla Walla, Wash., an’ Kalamazoo!Nora’s freezin’ on the trolley,Swaller dollar cauliflower alley-garoo!

    Don’t we know archaic barrelLullaby Lilla Boy, Louisville Lou?Trolley Molly don’t love Harold,Boola boola Pensacoola hullabaloo!

    Bark us all bow-wows of folly,Polly wolly cracker ‘n’ too-da-loo!Donkey Bonny brays a carol,Antelope Cantaloupe, ’lope with you!

    Hunky Dory’s pop is lolly gaggin’ on the wagon,Willy, folly go through!Chollie’s collie barks at Barrow,Harum scarum five alarm bung-a-loo!

    Dunk us all in bowls of barley,Hinky dinky dink an’ polly voo!Chilly Filly’s name is Chollie,Chollie Filly’s jolly chilly view halloo!

    Bark us all bow-wows of folly,Double-bubble, toyland trouble! Woof, woof, woof!Tizzy seas on melon collie!Dibble-dabble, scribble-scrabble! Goof, goof, goof

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  10. Frog4
    Digital Frog  about 13 years ago

    I think they jumped the shark and landed in the piranah tank…

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  11. Cat7
    rockngolfer  about 13 years ago

    The Pogo comic strip was a little before my time. I first heard of it in a MAD Magazine satire. The world was destroyed because the characters were messing around with “Politics and Parties” when they misunderstood they were supposed to be having “Parlor Tricks and Parties.”

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    Lucindy  about 13 years ago

    Pogo!!! Believe it or not my husband and I read a Pogo comic book on our wedding night!!! I still have the book. We were laughing so hard the marriage had to be consumated on the next night!!!!

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    comedynut  about 13 years ago


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  14. Img 0572 bluest of blues  2
    lemon868  about 13 years ago

    We had a Pogo songbook I think! Certainly my father often played Christmas carols for us and we would sing the Pogo version very happily.

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    kathleenashbaugh  about 13 years ago

    All hail, Rockngolfer! I had no idea that there were that many words.

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    kathleenashbaugh  about 13 years ago

    Thanks. James Hamilton. Hey, ailurophile17, tell us more about Good King Sauerkaut. I never heard that one.

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