Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 18, 1986
Luann: Wait up!! Bernice! You will not believe what just happened in history class!! Mrs. Heffelfinger was calling on people to answer questions about the Civil War. All of a sudden, she called on me! Mrs. Heffelfinger: Luann, in what year did the Civil War end? Luann: I didn't know!! The whole class was staring at me! Then, it happened! Aaron Hill held up his notebook- and there's the answer! "1887!" I shouted! Bernice: Oh, Luann! How thoughtful of him! How sensitive! How romantic! Luann: Yes! Yes! If only it had been the right answer!
sillls over 10 years ago
Well at least it was in the right century. Good thing He didn’t show her todays date.
jr1234 almost 8 years ago
Aaron thought the Civil War ended 1887? That isn’t even near 1865.
Carrots over 7 years ago
aaron needs to get his facts straitened out
12515527 6 months ago
He tried