Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 17, 1987
Delta: Before we start, I want to check your credentials... Miss Phelps; Well, Delta, I don't get to chat with you very often. Delta: Yeah that's 'cuz I'm normal. Delta: Y'know, Miss P., you and Luann have the same problem- you're both uptight. Miss Phelps: Is that so? Delta: Yup. But I've got this behavior modification tape that you should plug into. I think it'll help. Delta: I'll just slip the 'phones on... Miss Phelps: Well, these instructional tapes can be quite beneficial... Delta: Ready? Miss Phelps: Yes, I believe I- *I heard through the grape vine! Delta: Ok! You're showing progress! Lemme just crank it up a little...
sillls over 10 years ago
I love it! Also the Califon raisons is an old hit with me back in the day. This is one of the best strips I’ve seen. Cracking up laughing.
1829 over 9 years ago
Why doesn’t miss phelps take off the head phones?