Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for December 13, 1987
Bernice: hi, Luann! Ready to go Christmas shopping? Luann: Almost. C'mon in. Bernice: I have no idea what to get anyone for Christmas this year. Luann: You should've done what I did, Bernice! I'm organized! Luann: All year, I've been keeping a secret Christmas list. Every time someone said, " I wish I had-" "or " sure could use-" I wrote on my list. Luann: I also wrote down clothing sizes and color preferences for all my family and friends. Luann: I even listed the best stores to go buy things for each person! Bernice: wow! you really are organized! Luann: yup! Luann: Now, I know I hid that stupid list somewhere in this room....
sillls over 10 years ago
strange how everybody is gifted in some ways and hurting in others.