Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 03, 1988
Bernice: Hope we can find something... Delta: What are you gonna get Luann for her birthday, Bernice? Bernice: I don't know. She's so special to me... i'd just love to get her something really neat. Delta: I know! Let's pool our money and get one fantastic gift! Bernice: Yeah! Like some of this classy perfume! Luann: We'd like a very special perfume for a very special friend. Delta: And we mean special! Woman: May I suggest "summer smell" in this elegant bottle? This would really show your friend how much you care. Bernice: Perfect! Delta: How much? Woman: $210.00. Bernice: come to think of it, Luann has several repulsive habits that drive me crazy.... Delta: Yeah. She's a real jerk. I can't stand her most of the time....
JARScomics over 12 years ago
Well… who else are you going to be a jerk to if not your friends? They’re the only ones who’ll forgive :p
sillls over 10 years ago
You forgot about the time she helped her out of that sticky situation with the drugs in her locker.
zigwaffle321 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Bad sales technique by the woman. You don’t try to immediately sell two 13-year-olds something that is probably too expensive for them.