Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for September 16, 1990
Luann: Dear diary: I don't mind's all the learning that bugs me. Luann: Well, so far, my teachers don't seem too boring. How 'bout yours, Knute? Knute: Let me consult my boring chart. Luann: Boring chart? Knute: Yeah! I've rated the boredom level of my teachers based on how much doodling I do in class. Knute: So, like, I gave Mr. Ernest 29 DPC's Luann: DPC's? Knute: Doodles per class. Knute: My math teached got 17 DPC's, Mrs.Witters pulled a 12... Knute: and Mr.Fogarty copped a zero Luann: Zero?! For Fogarty?! He's a total bore! How could he get a zero?? Knute: Hey, I can't doodle when I'm asleep! Luann: Oh, right...
BreeTheFirst over 12 years ago
ahahaha nice chart Knute
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
hahaha that’s like the ultimate boring
peanuts511 over 10 years ago
it looks like they’re holding hands in the last panel
sillls over 10 years ago
Is he losing his hair?
alcazar84 almost 10 years ago
She actually did a subtraction problem using fractions correctly! Show me 5 students who hate math who can do that!
Isaac Chen over 6 years ago
That actually sounds like a solid way to measure that