Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for January 27, 1991
Luann: Essay: a thing teachers assign when they haven't prepared a lesson plan. Mr.Fogarty: Ok, class, here's your essay topic- Luann: Please make it something I know something about... Luann: How the gulf crisis affects us at home by Luann Degroot. Luann: The gulf crisis has a big affect at home. For instance it causes lively debates. My Dad and I even had one last night! Dad: Wait, you're doing an essay on the gulf crisis and you want me to tell you what to write? Luann: Well, you read the paper. Luann: Usually we have very different opinions! Dad: The teacher doesn't want my thoughts, Luann. He wants yours. Luann: Nah, he doesn't care. Luann: Sometimes our debates turn into very lively arguments! Dad: Luann, I'm not going to do your homework for you! Luann: Fine! I just thought you might be interested in my schoolwork, that's all! Luann: These family discussions really help you realize how difficult the gulf crisis is! Dad: I am interested in your schoolwork. But you're just being lazy. Luann: I am not! I just have 16 bazillion things to do and I can't do them all! Luann: It's an annoying, frustrating conflict that seems to have no end. The gulf crisis, I mean.
comixlover347 about 12 years ago
she’s really gonna give that for an assignment?
Clotty Peristalt over 5 years ago
You guys back in 1991 had no idea what was to yet to come in the Gulf.
Kevin Parker Premium Member about 5 years ago
Should be “effect” in block four.