Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for May 12, 1991
Luann: dear diary: I was incredibly fortunate to get the mom I have. And vice versa, of course. Dad: Luann, do you mind? I"m doin the toast. Luann: Well, you're doing it wrong. Dad: Where's the coffee? Brad: Right there birdbrain. Luann: Your eggs are all slimy, Brad. Brad: So's your face. Brad: hurry it up, Luann! Jeez, you're slow. Luann: Don't rush me! You'll make me spill the- Luann: Oh great! Way to go! Luann: Dad! Brad made me spill the coffee! Dad: Brad! The toast is burning! Dad: It's the toaster's fault!! Trump trump Dad: Happy mother's day! Mom: huh? Mom: Breakfast in bed! how sweet! I never expected this! Dad: Sorry we took so long.
comixlover347 almost 12 years ago
she brushed her hair AND put makeup on? how long did those kids take?!