If trying to button them caused me to sweat like this, then I’d leave them be because I’d be afraid the stress and frustration would bring on a heart-attack!
Why do we still have button down collar shirts? I remember them in the 1950’s. They were a pain in the days of having to starch and iron every shirt every time. Today, that’s not usually needed, if you launder carefully. Those teeny buttons need to go away!
hsawlrae about 13 years ago
That’s because our thumbs are too big for the teensie weensie buttons.
Gator007 about 13 years ago
I button mine before putting on.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member about 13 years ago
arthritis is no help
renewed1 about 13 years ago
My wife has to do mine for me.
psychlady about 13 years ago
Ever match a button hole to the wrong button?
route66paul about 13 years ago
Real pluggers eave them buttoned or they wear polo tees
ColonelClaus about 13 years ago
Nope, real pluggers leve ’em be
notinksanymore about 13 years ago
Button first, then put the shirt on!
Gretchen's Mom about 13 years ago
If trying to button them caused me to sweat like this, then I’d leave them be because I’d be afraid the stress and frustration would bring on a heart-attack!
LuvThemPluggers about 13 years ago
Why do we still have button down collar shirts? I remember them in the 1950’s. They were a pain in the days of having to starch and iron every shirt every time. Today, that’s not usually needed, if you launder carefully. Those teeny buttons need to go away!
hippogriff about 13 years ago
Luv: Just boycott them. I have never worn one and intend to never.