Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for December 26, 2011

  1. 7b1
    SackofRabidWeasels  about 13 years ago

    “…but that would be cheating on Jay, and I have to save my best butt kickings for him. I bet Dana doesn’t have problems like this. She’s a Mary Sue, and everything always goes their way.”

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  2. 112siamesegif
    Linda Solomon  about 13 years ago

    John and Scott ( and Dana and Jay and Catalina and Sal and and and etc and even Rita) I hope you had a marvelous Christmas!

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  3. Tintagel
    scottartist creator about 13 years ago

    We had a fine one here on the Delaware shore. Wonder what kind of holiday John had in the lake region of New York State?

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  4. Zakour signing
    johnzakour Premium Member about 13 years ago

    Weather excellent in the lake region of NYS.

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  5. Snorlax
    TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 2 years ago

    what the Heck is SHE gonna do all day?

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  6. Missing large
    No New Wars  about 2 years ago

    We have people choosing to go into the office to work because it is so expensive to have the heating on at home.

    How a pandemic and a war in Europe can turn things one way then the other.

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