Ballard Street by Jerry Van Amerongen for January 06, 2012

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 13 years ago

    My annoying little dog…

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    tegm  about 13 years ago

    aww, teacup poodles (and poodles in general) are actually extremely intelligent, very affectionate dogs. They’re not annoying, fussy, or arrogant.

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    gijoe76  about 13 years ago

    Barbara vowed never to dedicate her life to the routine of the competitive circuit if only she could take Best in Show just once. After finally emerging champion a decade ago, she stuck to her word and disappeared from the Westminster lifestyle, even refusing to address Millie by her proper title, Champion Surrey Spice Girl. In the years to pass, Ron wondered if Barbara had made the right decision – after all, they were the husband and wife dynamic duo of the regional dog duels. But Barbara stood fast and slowly but surely, a welcome peace came over the Scott household where regimented prancing laps and posing around their trodden garden were substituted for casual romantic strolls along friendly neighbourhood lanes. Then one uncharacteristically tepid winter afternoon, as Barbara perused her preferred periodical, she came upon a story that rattled something hidden deep down inside. Something she thought she had locked away forever. Millie felt a shift in Barbara’s mood and immediately sprung to her beloved’s lap, her little tail beating against Barbara’s thigh in earnest concern. From the study, Ron felt the tension fill the air and called out, “Barbara, what is it?” The only sound, Millie’s flapping tail. “A deerhound,” was the barely audible whisper of a reply. That bastard breed had made it’s way to the winners circle for the first time in the show’s history, closely edging out the year’s best poodle. “You know what this means Ron,” grumbled Barbara reluctantly, “It’s time to return.” A sudden shredding erupted… Well, if it isn’t little Miss Millie High Maintenance!

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    rw1h  about 13 years ago

    The Fluffster requires constant human contact……

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  5. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 13 years ago

    nothing can interrupt her perusal of the latest Titties magazine

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  6. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member about 13 years ago

    At first glance, I thought the woman was barfing through her magazine.

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    captain kidney  about 13 years ago

    a breakthrough moment

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    gijoe76  about 13 years ago

    thanks… ’twas a pleasure

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    Lefty2  about 13 years ago

    Vivian is deeply distressed. Shirley and Carson had assured her, Miss Millie waswell behaved, affectionate, and slept most of the time. Nothing could have been farther from the truth. First there was the poop in the hall closet. After three days Vivian had sent Collin into the attic to look for the dead squirrel which she was sure to be the source of the gut wrenching smell. After his second trip through the boxes, bales and insulation, Collin gave up in dejected apathy. Nothing more could be done. He was afraid to ask about spending the next few days at the fishing camp, but was greatly relieved when Vivian suggested he might be more comfortable on the couch for the night. Thank goodness the lost black, three buckle galoshes had lead to the discovery and resolution of Miss Millie’s transgression. Next was the episode concerning burying Scooter’s treats in the custom oak log and rock trimmed garden area. Follow quickly by what has be categorized as, when mischievous turns to malicious; Rusty Boy’s leash is missing. Collin and Vivian had developed a very successful way of resolving the disputes which all married couples encounter. Collin had learned to put his foot down and have the last word. In this case it was, “yes dear, you’re right, I’m sorry”.

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    Lefty2  about 13 years ago

    really enjoy reading all the different comments and interpretations! I prefer not to read any of the comments before I post mine so I’m not influenced : ) You’ve submitted some funny pieces as have others. I just wonder if Jerry reads any of this! It’s all funny stuff!

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    Tigressy  about 3 years ago

    Speaking of high maintenance…

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  12. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member about 3 years ago

    Good morning Balladeers, (((((Plods))))) and Miss Susan.

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    Plods with ...™  about 3 years ago

    Which one?


    Good morning cinematic poster phans!

    The Great Bassetby… by StelBel


    I’m cuddling my computer for the warmth…

    Baby it’s cold outside… 6F here today


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