On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for January 05, 2012

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    bahramthered  about 13 years ago

    Yeap those pets learn words. Thankfully and unfortunately not always in context.

    The eternal puppy King, my last dog, knew 32 separate words for walk, and several hand motions. He picked them up almost as fast as we made them.

    If he needed one and heard it he went from starring a hole in you to aggressive cheek slurps at the mention, like he was saying please. Much better to get the lease and call him.

    If he thought one was being mentioned he’d get to a sitting pose, examine his feet and thump his tail like he was saying, I’ll be no problem.

    If one was offered to him he’d bolt to his feet and wag his tail like he couldn’t wait. Lost track of how many times he scared the heck out of his best buddy after me, my brother’s cat. Course I caused a lot of those.

    And if the overgrown (and agaed) puppy heard on of those key words he’d go by tone context.

    “I had to/or did to blank-” Why is he looking at me like that? was a commone guest question.

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    Elaine Rosco Premium Member about 13 years ago

    I have to hide the cat carrier when it’s time for the vet! They know.

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    Jolly1995  about 13 years ago

    Maybe Gus had too much Christmas din-din……

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    Kathe  about 13 years ago

    And they call them “dumb” animals.

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    LadyChel  about 13 years ago

    They do? Who’s they? Seriously, let me know so I can go muzzle ’em!

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