The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for January 04, 2012
January 03, 2012
January 05, 2012
Mr. Veeblefester: Grosbeak is taking early retirement. Would you ever consider that?
Brutus: I guess it would depend. What retirement are you talking about - 58...60...62?
Mr. Veeblefester: How old are you now?
actually, since most businesses “give” their salaried employees a retirement rate of about 5 to 10%, he would probably lose less for the same amount of (non-) work he’s getting out of him now. i told a friend years ago to prepare for living on 10% of her husbands income and to invest at least half of every check now, and she laughed at me. he retires next year, and she’s not laughing now…
I do believe we are witnessing the last generation that will be able to retire. Unless you are in the 1%, we should all plan on working till we die. Maybe by then, we can die at our desks instead of at our McDonalds jobs.
If you are lucky to not get laid off. I had to take early retirement to avoid being laid off or fired. (Basically the same thing.) Even if I was able to stay on, my company dropped the type of business it was doing and I would have been out of a job anyway. But trying to save any money for retirement was impossible due to things coming up that needed to be taken care of and not being paid enough to save for anything. Good thing I didn’t have a 401k everyone said I should get, as it would have been worthless now.
pouncingtiger about 13 years ago
ooooo, OUCH!
dfowensby about 13 years ago
actually, since most businesses “give” their salaried employees a retirement rate of about 5 to 10%, he would probably lose less for the same amount of (non-) work he’s getting out of him now. i told a friend years ago to prepare for living on 10% of her husbands income and to invest at least half of every check now, and she laughed at me. he retires next year, and she’s not laughing now…
VTX1800F about 13 years ago
the only way I could have saved 50% when I was younger…was to remain living at home with mom…
comedynut about 13 years ago
I will never be able to retire, I will die at my desk!!
Jkiss about 13 years ago
I do believe we are witnessing the last generation that will be able to retire. Unless you are in the 1%, we should all plan on working till we die. Maybe by then, we can die at our desks instead of at our McDonalds jobs.
cbrsarah about 13 years ago
If you are lucky to not get laid off. I had to take early retirement to avoid being laid off or fired. (Basically the same thing.) Even if I was able to stay on, my company dropped the type of business it was doing and I would have been out of a job anyway. But trying to save any money for retirement was impossible due to things coming up that needed to be taken care of and not being paid enough to save for anything. Good thing I didn’t have a 401k everyone said I should get, as it would have been worthless now.
REDROCKER51 about 13 years ago
JoePhan about 13 years ago
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: JC Dithers would eat this egotistical phule for breakfast.