Drabble by Kevin Fagan for January 05, 2012
June: Ralph, this is such a long, boring drive... Let me drive for a while! Ralph: No thanks! June: But you must be tired and fatigued! I'd be happy to take over! Ralph: That's OK. June: Ralph, pull over and let me drive! Why are you being so stubborn?? Ralph: ... Sigh... When I drive, she reads. When she drives, we have to talk! June: So, what shall we talk about?
michael100 almost 13 years ago
that is how some women act.
kbyrdleroy123 almost 13 years ago
Turn the radio on UP LOUD!!!
backlashwaveextreme almost 13 years ago
“You know, I AM fatigued. So fatigued that I’ll take a quick nap to recharge. Thanks for your consideration!”
Plods with ...™ almost 13 years ago
You have to talk to keep her awake.
Hussell almost 13 years ago
It has been the opposite for me. My wife would complain because I didn’t slow down when the break lights came on for the car in front of us that was half a mile ahead. She would point out every thing at the side of the road to watch for. And constantly remind me of the speed limit. Sometimes I would just pull over and have her drive, then she had nothing to say and i would have some peace.
Brings to mind an old joke:How do you stop an annoying sound in your car?Let her drive!
Thunderdog2 almost 13 years ago
Fifth panel: Ralph reclines the seat back and says, ‘Sorry Honeybunch; I’m too tired and fatiqued to talk. Wake me up when we get there.’
Yukoneric almost 13 years ago
Wife and I can drive 500 miles and never say a word…………..
Thorn Mage almost 13 years ago
When hubby drives no one can talk when a “great song” is on and that’s all the time.
Smiley Rmom almost 13 years ago
Audio books help on long road trips. Something I can listen to keep me awake, and fills the void of silence. Plus it is something he’s allowed to tune out. I love to talk (doesn’t matter which one of us is driving) but he gets tired of listening after we’ve “caught up” on the latest news. MY (now deceased) mom gave him his all time favorite birthday card. It has a picture of a husband driving with his wife in the car. The words say: “New muffler really keeps the car quiet, eh?” (There is a large car muffler stuffed in the wife’s mouth.) My mom loved me, but was frustrated by my love of talking.
REDROCKER51 almost 13 years ago
i let my wife drive when i want her to drive me crazy
Jaythor almost 2 years ago
Dude. man up and tell her to shut her pie hole.