La will take very good “care” of Jane once she gets her hands on her…..that’s what those dank, dark, dungeons and hungry lions are for! Then again, La could outfit her with a cheetah catsuit and bejeweled sea monkey headdress and they could be BFFs, sing Katy Perry songs, and torment the knuckle-draggers until Tarzan returns with the loot! Eh, saywhat? :)=Wake-up B’wana Q….time for your bananas!
Buzza Wuzza over 12 years ago
Exactly the plan I had in mind. It is interesting how sometimes The Lord Of The Apes and I think alike.
profkatz over 12 years ago
La will take very good “care” of Jane once she gets her hands on her…..that’s what those dank, dark, dungeons and hungry lions are for! Then again, La could outfit her with a cheetah catsuit and bejeweled sea monkey headdress and they could be BFFs, sing Katy Perry songs, and torment the knuckle-draggers until Tarzan returns with the loot! Eh, saywhat? :)=Wake-up B’wana Q….time for your bananas!
profkatz over 12 years ago
Ya gotta love breeding Neanderthals, or Cro-Magnun men! So big, so hairy, probably smelly, and so…manipulable……:)=