Monty by Jim Meddick for January 17, 2012
Monty: I've never tried speed dating before... probably because my personality doesn't lend itself to simple first impressions. I'm complicated. It takes a while to appreciate my nuances. I'm sort of like a classic Russian sci-fi film by Tarkovsky... at first, I may seem a bit plain - even dull, perhaps. But with time, strange, hypnot patterns emerge... themes coalaesce... and eventually... Voice: SWITCH! Monty: OK, let's just say in about an hour and 45 minutes from now, I might become almost interesting.
Ida No about 13 years ago
That Monty, always the optimist.
tattooedcyberidiot about 13 years ago
You know you’re not entirely unlike a Bruckheimer film either… One big disaster at the start followed some carnage and then a long drawn out disater at the end.
Sisyphos about 13 years ago
Monty, generally, logorrhea is not a winning trait. Not even after an hour and 45 minutes…. See my advice from yesterday!
Plods with ...™ about 13 years ago
Aussie Down Under about 13 years ago
Speed dating is just a tad too fast for Monty.
nitromicro about 13 years ago
Two Words: Loco Ohno or maybe that woman dog trainer he dated for a week… wait that was more than two words.
monawarner about 13 years ago
Definitely cuter and funnier than my soninlaw
vldazzle about 13 years ago
I don’t think Monty is cute, but PELLIE ;-D
Varnes about 13 years ago
Monty, maybe a year and 45 seconds.but….
jpsomebody about 13 years ago
Free Dogsniff!
iced tea about 13 years ago
Monty: The nerd you hate to love.
cwreenactor about 13 years ago
The Tarkovky sf movie is the original film version of “Solaris.” It runs a “mere” 70 minutes longer than the English language version. Monty may be under estimating the time there.
boldyuma about 13 years ago
Lady is thinking..Yada..Yada..Yada…
Just tell me if you have a BMW and your own house..
Comic Minister Premium Member about 13 years ago
Who’s that blonde lady and what does she look like?
Hunter7 about 13 years ago
Thanks. I was wondering why Monty was talking so fast and incoherently. .He’s not only off his meds. He’s taking someone else’s meds!