Lola: I cant believe all the amazing technology anymore, Etta
Etta: yeah... but weren't we supposed to having flying cars by now?
Lola; Just what we need . airborne textures behind the wheel.
Etta: yikes.
I remember some valedictorian speaking about three years after I graduated from HS. We were supposed to have little auto-cars. Punch in a destination and they’d levitate you to it automatically.
rshive about 13 years ago
I remember some valedictorian speaking about three years after I graduated from HS. We were supposed to have little auto-cars. Punch in a destination and they’d levitate you to it automatically.
williamemory1924 about 13 years ago
as an EMT, I have seen a couple of flying cars. Wasn’t caused by texting, but reading a novel. Not so pretty in the end
steelersneo over 12 years ago
“Thank you for using Johnny Cab”