Marmaduke by Brad Anderson for January 15, 2012

  1. Missing large
    Francine Long  about 13 years ago

    Aww, Marm’s just happy and proud of the new car and wants to share his happiness with the world. How could anyone object to that?

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    Gator007  about 13 years ago

    Evently the law!

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    upanddown17  about 13 years ago

    Marmaduke doesn’t have to worry about all the money saved on gas now going to pay a higher electric bill each month.

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  4. Amaryllis 004
    Jolly1995  about 13 years ago

    Tom’s got it right! How ridiculous is an electric car!

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  5. Brad tele
    jpsomebody  about 13 years ago

    Electric cars are silent. Marmaduke is just warning everybody that the car is sneaking up on them.

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  6. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 13 years ago

    NOW it’s under control!

    LOL xxx

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  7. Zaktani
    PkfanD66  about 13 years ago

    Why did he ever open that moonroof?!?!

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    PaRoWee  about 13 years ago

    this one is dumb and I don’t like Marmaduke being all strapped in like that. Is the author secretly angry at Marmaduke lately?

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  9. Jurrassic park
    stip1134  about 13 years ago

    how long does it take

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