Big Nate by Lincoln Peirce for September 21, 1998
FRANCIS: Hi, girls, I'm conducting a poll! Do you know who the candidates are for Class President? GIRLS: Angie's running! Angie! Yeah, Angie! FRANCIS: Do you know who the other candidate is? GIRLS: There's another candidate? No idea. Isn't it that weird kid? Nat...Nick... FRANCIS: I'm going to get beat, aren't I? FRANCIS: Like a drum.
SNOOPY THE GREAT about 9 years ago
K0FER over 5 years ago
natty nik
Comic Man X about 5 years ago
Poor Nate……..
TheJustinator over 4 years ago
I thought NICK BLONSKY!!
Roblox Lover! :P over 4 years ago
Who knows? It might be like that other time when Nate beat those other popular kids…
Jacop✔️ about 4 years ago
cmon, why would someone be named nat
Mario Kart about 3 years ago
How do they not know Nate’s name?
Arcery 7 months ago
I doubt Nate stands a chance of getting the girls’ votes.