FRANCIS: Wha? Holy cow! We've been robbed! NATE: That's not our locker, fool! That is! FRANCIS: Oh...yeah, you're right. KSSSCH! NATE: That's more like it! FRANCIS: For a moment I forgot about our built in antitheft system.
December 09, 2018
November 28, 2018
Uh, how does Francis know someone elses locker combonation, lol.
Maybe they have the same combination
None of that. They share lockers.
all your stuff is safe unless it gets comsumed by nate’s stuff
he forgor (skull emoji)
How did Francis know that person’s locker combo?
February 17, 2022
January 19, 2021
DiscipleOfFire over 12 years ago
Uh, how does Francis know someone elses locker combonation, lol.
SameriteRL almost 10 years ago
Maybe they have the same combination
I Like Trains. over 6 years ago
None of that. They share lockers.
Cute Ice Cream (Cute Cookie Bear) almost 4 years ago
all your stuff is safe unless it gets comsumed by nate’s stuff
fizzledorp over 2 years ago
he forgor (skull emoji)
STUFF ENJOYER 11 months ago
How did Francis know that person’s locker combo?