The Born Loser by Art and Chip Sansom for January 29, 2012
The Born Loser by Art & Chip Sansom Mr. Veeblefester: Sometimes, my boy, a man needs to toot his own horn! Mr. Veeblefester: I was born to a family of few means, so I went to work as an underage laborer to help pay the bills... Mr. Veeblefester: Through guts and sheer determination, I worked my way up from the ground floor to become CEO... Mr. Veeblefester: And along the way, I grew this company from near-bankruptcy to the profitable powerhouse it is today! Mr. Veeblefester: Impressive accomplishments, wouldn't you agree? Brutus: Remarkable, Chief. Brutus: Now, if you could just do something about your breath!
wilb44 almost 13 years ago
Just print a Brag Book. I love the way chief keeps his nose in the air at just the prefect angle. The family that sits in the front pew of my church are masters at that.
wilb44 almost 13 years ago
Might be a Freudian slip. Or do we say what we mean by mistake???
No New Wars over 2 years ago
I thought the boss had said in an earlier strip that he inherited his wealth and the business.