Drabble by Kevin Fagan for February 05, 2012

  1. Missing large
    jgarrott  about 13 years ago

    Actually, there is no zero in Roman numerals. That’s why the Arabic numerals are so much more useful.

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  2. Cindy crawford shaving cream 1
    randayn  about 13 years ago

    Divorce, Ralph! It would do you good!

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  3. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    Roman numerals ARE more difficult if you’re not used to them. When they’re flashed on the TV screen at the end of a movie, I seldom have time to get it.

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  4. My eye
    vldazzle  about 13 years ago

    Superbowl must have started about the same time as SCA, as we’re usually about the same.

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  5. Missing large
    monawarner  about 13 years ago

    Honeybunch is smart enough to know no working class wife wins in a divorce. Sure, she’d get the house, but then she couldn’t pay for it because she has no job skills so she’d have to work at McD’s, and she’d be making only slightly more than half of what he does. She’d get the kids, but Ralph would weasel out of child support or only pay the minimum mandated by the court which would be a percentage of Ralph’s salary and he is a security guard, and it wouldn’tr even be half of what it takes to provide for a child.. She could try for state aid and food stamps, but even a minimum wage job would pay enough to disqualify her for any of that. So, she’s gonna hang in there and make his life just as miserable as hers.

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  6. Imag0002
    skippygddss  about 13 years ago

    There’s a reason we don’t use roman numerals anymore. They’re confusing.

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  7. Sp bmw
    Drewdove  about 13 years ago

    Sorry @TrapperJohn but we use the Gregorian calendar. ;-)

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  8. 1tau lljsaaef kfpea5vpgadia  .medium
    Michelle Morris  about 13 years ago


    Place a number to the left to subtract to a desired number.Place a number to the right to add to a desired number.

    Thus: XL=40 L=50 LX=60

    The film and movie industry is notorious for using roman numerals in their production end credits. The thinking allegedly being that no one could figure out the date of the project,thus…dating the project. Yeah,I know…Hollywood Logic.

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  9. Angel cat
    noreenklose  about 13 years ago

    Good job, Blackwolff9. You forgot C = 100 and M = 1,000, but an excellent summary.

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  10. Missing large
    Jaythor  about 2 years ago

    Poor man is in Hell, married to the devil..

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